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Trying to survive and thrive.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Usborne Books - register to win $50 in FREE books!

Just a reminder that I'm your resource for Usborne children's books.

Stop by my website and browse - don't forget to register to win $50 in free books. Drawing happens monthly.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Giant Eagle Receipts

All the better to track your savings with...

Stopped at Giant Eagle on the way home today and noticed a new feature on the receipt. They are now tracking, and breaking down, your shopping savings. They've been listing the fuel perks savings for some time now but now they are really itemizing how your savings break down.

Now I've only been doing the "couponing thing" for about 6-1/2 months to date. Before that I "looked for sales" and did a bit of coupon shopping but really my majority of targeted coupon/sale shopping has only been in calendar year 2010.

Today my Giant Eagle receipt informed me that in the past 12 months my savings in their stores and at their gas stations has totaled $1,124.71 - not too shabby!

Here is the breakdown:

Fuelperks savings: $121.50
Weekly Specials: $632.45
Coupons: $370.76

again - not too shabby!

I can't wait to see what the total will be in January 2011 when I've been doing this style of shopping for a full year.

And remember - that is only at one store. I've also been saving BIG at Walgreen's, CVS, and a few others.

Now tell me again - is this a waste of time?

Excuses - Myth - "I don't have time"

Biggest complaint – It takes too much time to do the coupons… my answer… well, time is money, but in a good way with this.

I’ve been talking about this coupon saving and shopping way for about 6 months now and I’ve gotten a bit more organized than I was in January when I started this endeavor. “Back then” I would spend over an hour getting ready to shop at 3 different stores and then an hour at the grocery store and probably half an hour or more EACH at CVS and Walgreen’s.

Now, well I’ve probably carved off about 15 minutes of my prep time and I was going to spend the time in the grocery store any way so I’m not going to worry about time spent there. But I’m saving a lot of money with those coupons and spending that time prepping to shop.

My time is definitely worth the $50.00 an hour that I saved just this week at Giant Eagle. Other weeks its worth over $80.00 for that hour of prep time… even if its just “little shopping” and takes only half an hour to prep for a couple of things – my time is still worth the money I’m saving. I don’t know what you make “per hour” if you break it down but I found a job paying what I SAVE in that hour – I’d be bragging about my good paying new job.

Happy shopping – Last day for the cereal sale at Giant Eagle today – extra fuel perks too!